About Me

I am a dedicated experimental and at times theoretical physicist as well as graphics designer. I did my masters degree and my PhD in the molecular nanophotonics group (dept. for experimental physics I) at the Leipzig University in the group of Prof. F. Cichos.
In 2015, I was a Post-doc in the Haw Yang lab at Princeton University, New Jersey, USA, where I was working on microswimmers and non-equilibrium thermodynamics.
I have been working for the KPMG AG in Frankfurt (Main) on financial derivative valuation and modelling as well as credit risk valuation and model validation for banks, hedge funds and corporate clients.
I have lately transitioned back into science in a coordinating role at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF in Jena. My professional focus has shifted to quantum based measurement and imaging technologies, as well as quantum communication and cryptography.
The focus of my academic research so far has covered fluid dynamics, optics, self-built microscopes, photothermal detection, theoretical electrodynamics and generalized Mie scattering, metallic nanoparticles, heat conduction in solids and liquids among other things. I like to challenge myself with the development and application of complex theories aiming at the description and quantification of the phenomena I encounter. My current academic focus is on caustic theory.
Apart from working and physics, I like to play piano, read books, do photography and enjoy nature when hiking in the mountains....
My hobby remains to be optics and physics. You will find some halo machines in the physics at home section, and some published (and downloadable) articles under publications.